Here is a complete list of trinkets you can earn or purchase in the game.
![]() | Berserker Trinket - Cost: 10 skullsPassive: deal bonus damage when low on health Active: spend health to activate berserk mods Special 1 (5) - Active berserk ability lasts 9 seconds, up from 6 Special 2 (13) - Berserk grants 33% damage, up from 25% | ![]() | Defense Trinket - Cost: 5 skullsPassive: increases player health Active: shield player from damage Special 1 (3) - Reduces damage taken Special 2 (10) - Penalty to attack while shielded halved |
![]() | Freedom Trinket - Cost: 7 skullsPassive: resist stuns Active: break other players out of stun and briefly grant stun immunity Special 1 (4) - Passive and active abilities apply to being frozen as well Special 2 (11) - Active ability also clears chill and slow effects | ![]() | Healing Trinket - Cost: Free*Passive: slowly regenerates health Active: heal self and allies Special 1 (4) - Passive heal rate increased Special 2 (11) - Active healing mana cost reduced *Unlocked after Tunnels |
![]() | Mana Rage Trinket - Cost: 13 skullsPassive: higher mana capactiy Active: mana rage regenerates mana quickly for a short time Special 1 (5) - Increased base mana pool Special 2 (15) - Mana Rage lasts longer | ![]() | Rift Defender Trinket - Cost: 12 skullsPassive: increases rift points Active: stun all enemies Special 1 (5) - Double additional rift points Special 2 (14) - Active ability stun lasts longer |
![]() | Scavenger Trinket - Cost: 9 skullsPassive: all enemies have a chance to drop coins Active: all enemies worth extra coin Special 1 (4) - Increased chance for coin drops from orcs and kobolds Special 2 (12) - Active ability generates extra coin | ![]() | Trap Reset Trinket - Cost: 11 skullsPassive: traps reset faster Active: reset all traps for a mana cost Special 1 (5) - Traps reset even faster Special 2 (14) - Active ability mana cost reduced |
do i have the passive effect of a trinket even when i m not holding it?
i used the trap reset trinket and traps reloaded exactly as fast when holding it or not.
and it seems to not reset all traps perfektly when used, like brimstones only get resetted when they have 0 charges left, same goes for shock zappers …
and a question to the scavenger trinket, what does “Active: all enemies worth extra coin” mean ? every enemie present at the time of activation drops more gold upon death ? or are they all killed and produce money ? ;-D
The passive on trinkets are always running, as long as it’s in one of your slots. You can see this best with the healing trinket, just watch your health slowly rise after getting hit. I haven’t timed out the trap reset trinket, but I know that it’s supposed to work regardless of if it’s your currently highlighted item or not.
My impression of the scavenger trinket is that any enemy killed during the time of the active will give you one more gold than it normally would. Again, this is not something that I have checked, that’s just how I read it. I’ll look into testing that next time I have a chance, and then update the page with what I find.
Hope that helps!
The trap reset trinket does not seem to be reliable in Active mode. When I have it selected (its icon is large and I am wearing it) and press left-mouse, it will only sometimes reset my arrow traps. Two-thirds of the time it does not – they stay empty. Pressing right-mouse seems to do nothing at all. Is there any explanation for this? Is this what’s intended or is something wrong?
The only time I’ve seen the reset trinket not work is if I’m too low on mana. Be sure you have like 2/3rds full mana or more when you hit it, it takes quite a bit! Other than that, it always works for me!